01.41 Patient Supervision

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01.41 Patient Supervision

Use this report to track when supervisory visits are due for employees who require them.  This report will select all active patients who have had visits by employees whose revenue code says they need a supervision visit (see codes below). Use this report as an audit tool and run it at least once a week.

The Revenue codes that require a supervisory visit: 0429,0439, 0559, 0570, 0571.  The system will look for those revenue codes listed under Codes > Other Basic Codes >Employees.  The report does NOT go by the revenue code listed on the visit charge.

If your agency uses Barnestorm Point of Care then the software will look for an assessment that was completed with the Supervision screen documented.  If your agency does NOT use Point of Care then Barnestorm will look for the description “SUPE” in the visit status description.

How to Run the Report

From and Thru dates = The dates will default to the first day of the previous month thru the last day two months from now.  The dates pull information for the “Next Supe Due” column of the report.

Program(s) / Team(s) / Employee(s) = Filter report by entering program, team and/or employee numbers. Or leave blank to select all.

Skip a line between patients = Will skip a line between patients. If the patient has multiple disciplines/employees needing supervisory visits, all will be grouped together for the patient.

Assessment Notes Required for Aide/LPN Supervision = Check this box if your agency uses POC assessments to document the supervisory visits.

Assessment Notes Required for Therapy Supervision = Check this box if your agency uses POC assessments to document the supervisory visits. 

How to Read the Report

Case Manager =The case manager listed under the Referral > Employees tab.

Date after Case Manager = The last case managers visit. If blank, then no visits from the case manager were found.

Disc = Discipline of the Visiting Employee

Visiting Employee= The employee who requires the supervisory visit.  There will be a separate line for each employee, when applicable. 

First Visit = First visit made in the last 45 days; for CAP/PCS it is the first visit made in the last 90 days.

Last Visit = The most recent visit date of the employee who requires a supervisory visit.

Last Supervision Visit = The date and name of the employee who did the last supervisory visit.

** (next to the date under Next Supe Due column) = This means the supe due date is less than 2 days in the future (or late). 

Next Supe Due =Calculation for aides will be based on the number you supply prior to running the report, 30 days for all others.  If no supe visit has been found, then the “From” date of the report will be used (meaning over due).

Troubleshooting Tips:

Q: A patient does not show up on the report?

Answer: The patient is inactive or an employee with the revenue code 0429, 0439, 0559, 0570,0571 has not completed a visit or has not been entered into Barnestorm yet.  Suggestion: Go to Employee Activity > Visit Entry and check to see if a visit has been entered.  You can also check Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees to see if the employee who requires a supervision has the appropriate revenue code.

Q: The Next Supe Due does not appear to be calculating properly - it is dated in the past.

Answer:  If a supervisory visit has not been made by a supervisor before or it has not been entered, then the date will be blank or it will be dated in the past.  Suggestion: Check to see if the last supervisory visit has been entered into Barnestorm.

Q: The last supervision visit date is blank?

Suggestion:  This could be a few different things: 1) A supervisory visit has not been made or entered into Barnestorm yet.  You can check Barnestorm Office > Employee Activity > Visit Entry to see if the employee has completed a visit.  2) The employee who did make the supe visit may not have the correct revenue code listed under Codes > Other Basic Codes> Employees.  Check that screen to make sure it is correct.  3) If you’reusing the POC system, then the system will look for the Supervision screen to be completed.  Or it will look for the word ‘SUPE’ in the visit status code description.  If one of those two are not found then the date may be blank or show the last supervision with one of those two criteria’s.  

Q: A Next Supe Due is showing up for an employee who is discontinued on the Referral >Employees screen?

Answer:  This means a visit was completed after the last supervisory visit.  Suggestion:  Add a non chargeable visit code for Missed Supe Visit.  Either key the visit into Office using that code or have the POC user document a visit note, using the Supervisory screen to note when the discipline discontinued services. 

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Last Modified:Saturday, August 20, 2022

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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