02.06 Visit Reference List

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02.06 Visit Reference List

How To Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office click on Reports> Visits > 02.06 Visit Reference List

This report gives you visit and supply entry information.  There are many different ways to run this report.

o From / Thru = The range for the visit / supply entries.

o Program(s) / Payer(s) / Team(s) / Employee(s) = Filter report by entering program, payer, team, employee number(s). Or leave blank to select all.

o Skip PPS Payers = Check this to skip any payer that is setup with PPS as Yes (from Codes > Program Related Codes > Payer Codes).

o Skip PerDiems = Check this to skip any payer that is setup with PerDeims as Yes (from Codes > Program Related Codes > Payer Codes).

o Include Supply Charges = In addition to visit entries, the supply entries will appear as well.

o 1 Pg per Pt = When used with print sequence by patient, this will add a page break after each patient.

o No Charge Visits Only = This will select visits codes with a Chargeable as No (from Codes > Program Related Codes > Visit StatusCodes).  This will not work with the Include Supply Charges option. 

o Exclude No Charge Visits = This will leave out any charges with a zero amount charged. 

o Exclude Contract Employees = Excludes employees who have a ** in the first two positions of the vendor number field from Codes > Other BasicCodes > Employees.

o Contract Employees Only = Selects only employees who have a ** in the first two positions of the vendor number field from Codes > Other BasicCodes > Employees.

o Contract Vendor# = Enter a specific contract vendor number or leave blank to select all.  Use this feature with Contract Employees Only.

o Use The Dates These Charges Were Keyed =  Use this if you need to select specific charges that were keyed on or in a date range.

o SN / PT / OT / ST / SW HHA = Use this to select specific disciplines only. 

MemoCode = X for visits transmitted to HHAeXchange and CareBridge

How to Read the Report

o Date = Date of the visit / supply charge.

o Time In / Time Out = Starting and ending time for that visit entry.  If supplies are included this column will include the supply description.

o Employee = Employee listed on the visit entry.

o Pg / Pay / Job / Vst / Reve / Tm = program / payer / job code / visit status or supply code / revenue code / team number.

o Hours = The calculated time of the visit or quantity of the supplycode.

o $Amount = Visit charge: Hours * job code rate / Supply: Quantity * Price.

A subtotal is given after each group of patient or employees.  A grand total is given at the end of the report. 

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Last Modified:Thursday, August 26, 2021

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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