05.17 Compare AR Amount to Actual Charges

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05.17 Compare AR Amount to Actual Charges

This report is used for non-PPS payers. It will compare the visit and supply amounts to the amount in accounts receivable. If there is any difference between the two it will show up on this report. (Note:  If there are no conflicts, you will receive this message, "All A/R Amount Billed entries agree with the charges.").

Examples of reasons why there would be a difference: amounts were not posted to the A/R (Amount Billed will not show up in the A/R and the report might show a negative), charges were entered after the billing was done, amount billed was deleted from the a/r, visits were changed from non-charge to charge.

Reports > Accounts Receivable > 05.17 Compare A/R To Charges

How to Run the Report

Year/Month From and Thru = Pulls charges entered for the months selected.

Program(s) = Filter report by entering program number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.

How to Read the Report

Year / Mo = Year and month of charges.

Visit+Supply$ = The actual amount that has been entered into the Barnestorm system.

A/R $Billed = The amount that was transferred to AR using Accounts Receivable > Post Charges to A/R.  PPS payers will automatically appear once the RAP is created. 

A/R Balance = The difference between Visit+Supply$and A/R $Amount.

This report sorts the information by program and has a grand total at the end. 

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Last Modified:Monday, August 14, 2023

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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