Add [T] Text Items in a Document

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Add [T] Text Items in a Document

While in various screens in Barnestorm you have a chance to insert pre-entered text called [T]Text Items. 
This screen will allow you to enter one code or multiple codes at once. By clicking once on the text you want, it will go directly to the document you are working on.

Text Item Icon =       

Multi-Select Allows you to select more than one T code and will insert the codes in the order you selected them. Once you checkmark the Multi-Select box and click on your codes, click on the Insert Selected Items button. You will be directed back to the document you were working on along with the text you selected.

You also have the choice to Add No Extra Spaces, Add 2 Spaces, or Go to the Next Line after each code you have selected.

Show Mulit-line Having this checked will show you all the text that was typed in on the code. Unchecked will only show the first line of the text.

Search Filter allows you to sort through the codes and only show what you want.

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Last Modified:Friday, September 12, 2014

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Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 6,751 times.
